Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Productive Weekend

I love the Oscars. I love the dresses, whether they're awful or gorgeous. I love the musical performances and the little clips they make of movie snippets. The announcers and their lame and not so lame jokes. The way the camera Always looks at the other nominees after the winner is announced, but they try to make it look unintentional. And this year, some specific things I loved: **Sean Penn's speech and the writer's speech for Milk-- though I haven't seen the movie, I want to, and these two men drove home just what a political statement the Oscars can be sometimes. **how Slumdog Millionaire won 8/10 of the Oscars it was nominated for. If you haven't seen this movie yet, GO. It deserved every one, and it made me so happy to see the huge gathering of people on stage for the Best Picture presentation/speech. **Heath Ledger's mom, dad, and sister's acceptance of his Best Supporting Actor award. They didn't cry, but made everyone else cry. It was very dignified, but humble, and just the right amount of gratitude and statement. **the musical medley-- what the heck was Zac Effron doing on stage with Beyoncé and Hugh Jackman? **Hugh Jackman's monologue...of sorts.


My weekend was so productive, I must say I thoroughly impressed myself. I wrote an 8 page research paper, finished a novel (of which I had 300 pages left on Friday), wrote an analysis of said novel, and I'm about to go finish up reading a book on the Ottomans. Like I said...I'm impressed with myself.


On the other hand, I'm feeling a little like Meredith and Christina right now. And yes, I realize I just compared my real life problems to those of TV drama characters...but it's true! The first few seasons, when their characters were really developing, they established themselves as being "dark and twisty" as opposed to the "bright and shiny" Izzie. I kinda feel like that sometimes, I'm realizing. I wouldn't use "dark and twisty" as that infers some painful past secret that scarred me for life...maybe more like "gray and slightly curved." Or something like that. Somewhere in between that and bright and shiny. Sometimes, around all these happy hippies, I feel like a grump, but I know I'm not! I was even labeled by my roommate in a funny illustration on facebook as "the grumpy one." oh well...I feel like Meredith and Christina and I would be pretty good friends, so I guess I'm OK with that.


Speaking of Slumdog Millionaire, I just found out that the star, Dev Patel, is only 2 months younger than me...!!!! usually all those actors are at least mid-30s, but NO! Mr. Adorable was born in April of 1990...why can't guys I meet be that cute?


I'm such a horrible daughter. I talked to Rando on the phone today for at least 10 minutes, complaining about my paper, telling him about my weekend, before asking how he life was, to which he replied "yeah, just got back from Mexico. It was fun." OOPS, sorry Rando.


Overall, a good weekend. But tomorrow's Monday. We'll see how that goes.


  1. Katie, you are a little dark and twisty before 10am, you've gotta admit...Love ya, Mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. sorry..I posted the comment on the wrong entry, I'm a little dark and twisty before 10am too.. its ok, happens to the best of us!
