Monday, April 27, 2009

Drive Back

I talked to SEK once about driving back to school from home (or a home-like place...aka R&Js). We agreed it's one of the hardest things to do....EVER. For one thing, you just left home, a place where you KNOW you're loved and cared for and you have concrete evidence that SOMEONE cares what happens to you. And you're going to a place where everything's an uncertainty, and everything's not as clean, and you have to make an effort and care what people are thinking, and the list just goes on and on! Anyways, I drove back to school last night, listening to a mix made for me by HL, and this song came that always makes me unbelievably sad, but heartened and strengthened at the same time... mostly focus on the chorus:

Strange how hard it rains now
Rows and rows of big dark clouds...
But I'm holding on underneath this shroud


Immediately after this song, on the mix, is this one. And for the first time, I appreciated the position of the songs, and realized that the world is funny like that sometimes, whether on purpose or not. and you've just gotta take the shitty with the hilarious, and make your own happy. what a revelation huh?! haha

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